5.07: Separation of Powers (with Michael Hyatt)

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The Supreme Court is looking at a case that relates to Korematsu v. United States, while the White House starts to make their moves towards appointing a new justice. But ai yai yai, we aren’t talking about last month’s headlines—we’re talking about “Separation of Powers,” from November 2003. And this week, we’re joined by special guest Michael Hyatt who plays Angela Blake. She gave us a wonderfully candid interview about how she got the role—and why Angela didn’t stick around for longer.

footnotes —
Legal Rasputins? Law Clerk Influence on Voting at the U.S. Supreme Court
The Supreme Court was right to overturn Korematsu. Now it needs to overrule Hirabayashi
Inside the White House’s Quiet Campaign to Create a Supreme Court Opening
Korematsu, Notorious Supreme Court Ruling on Japanese Internment, Is Finally Tossed Out