4.12: Guns Not Butter (with MAZON and The ONE Campaign)

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For our discussion of Guns Not Butter, Josh and Hrishi go on a hunt for Hrishi’s Hebrew name that is almost as intense as Donna’s quest to get Josh’s phone into the hands of Senator Hardin. Tom Hart of ONE (@OneCampaign) makes the case for foreign aid, and President Abby Leibman (@MAZONusa) backs Charlie up on the subject of food stamps on the military, but not one single person sides with poor Josh Lyman on the remote prayer issue.

footnotes —
Josh takes the SNAP challenge
MAZON - A Jewish Response to Hunger
Heifer International
Josh's fundraiser for MAZON
The ONE Campaign
Sports Night - I told many, many people
New York Times - Long-Awaited Medical Study Questions the Power of Prayer